Demo Production


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Demo Production

Eileen Kimble is a veteran voice demo & commercial producer, with over 20 years experience. From beginners, to National Voice Talents, many have had their Demos produced here at Captive Sound. We offer a special rate for talent recording, editing, and mixing, to produce a finished Demo Package.

There are many types of voice demos requested by agents and producers, and two that are most common: Commercial and Industrial.

The Commercial Demo, is about 1 minute in length, containing 6 - 10 "snippets", demonstrating a variety of Radio or TV commercials that showcase a talent's specialties and abilities.

Commercial Demos are often used by agents and producers who are listening, not only for voices to use in Commercials, but also for Corporate work, such as Industrial Narations.

The Industrial/Corporate/Narration Demo, usually runs a little longer than a minute. It contains 5 - 8 samples of training, medical, instructional, e-learning and more. The focus of this type of demo is a long read (sometimes hours). An agent or producer wants to know that a talent can sustain a lengthy read, with an engaging voice, often with difficult technical jargon, while maintaining the same energy and sound, from the beginning to end, of a prospective project.

There are also many different Specialty Voice Demos that will depend on a talent's unique skills: Cartoons, Books, Radio Imaging, Promos, Movie Trailers, Politcal, Telephony, which includes Telephone prompts, On-Hold Messaging, Voicemail Systems, and more.

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For information, about bookings, talent, or pricing, contact: Eileen Kimble
404 . 325 . 4860, or send your E-mail to:

Producer of Record

554 Deering Road, N.W. - Atlanta, GA 30309

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Information in this document is subject to change without notice./ Logo Trademark 1994

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