
High School / College
Choral Group Recording
CD Production

    Creative Audio
Application Auditions
       Students demonstrate their potential here...

    Sample A Cappella Recordings        Sample College Auditions        Close    

Music Student - College Applicant Services

Is your son or daughter applying to a college music school? Captive Sound Studio now offers package deals for creating Audition CD's to submit with their application.

Whether your musician sings, plays, or both, we will work with them, and with you, to create a proud representation of their talents.

Some schools are requiring five songs that are the applicants original material, three songs that involve playing and singing of the Classics, with two instrumentals.

Our goal is to make this process as easy as possible, for you and your musician. The final product includes 5 CD's, and one data CD, loaded with emailable files of the material.

Samples of recent Voice and Piano Auditions can be heard, by clicking these links.

  Sample A Capello Recordings        Sample College Auditions        Close    

For information, about bookings, Please call: Eileen Kimble
at 404-325-4860, or Send Email To:

Producer of Record

1442 Tullie Road, N.E. - Atlanta, GA 30329

   Captive Sound, Inc ©   All rights Reserved.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice./ Logo Trademark 1994